Lookin' Good! Posing for Scuba Portraits...
Jill Smith May 18, 2024
Most of us divers love to have shots of us doing what we love to do underwater, so here are some quick and easy tips and tricks to help you get a really fantastic photo of yourself that you will love!
Don't Rush!
This is not a race! When you are posing for your pics, it can feel like the photographer is taking a long time and going slow. That's ok. They are lining it up, making sure the right things are in focus (your eyes), and timing the shot with your breathing. The more we slow down and take our time, the more likely we get the shot that is going to make you happy!
Breath Control
Rapid breathing and rushed photos will only ensure that you have bubbles in your face! Take the time to relax, slow your breathing—deep and slow. Once you are posed for your photo, exhale for 8 beats, hold for
2 beats, inhale slowly for 5-6 beats. The longer you hold your exhale, and slower you inhale, the more opportunity there is for the photographer to get that shot!
If you are having a photo taken with your buddy, both of you should try to synchronize your breathing so a clear shot can be taken of both of your faces at the same time! Exhale. Hold. Slow inhale.
Communicating with the photographer will help you achieve the photo you desire; if there is a specific pose you would like to capture, let them know, and be prepared to hold your pose until the photographer gives you the ok sign that they got it! They will try to take multiple photos trying to get it just right, so you may be posing through a couple of breath cycles. That's ok. Be patient and you will be rewarded!
If posing with a buddy, you will need some signals to communicate both pose, and synchronizing your breathing. Chat about this before your dive!
Below, Brenda and I pose for the video gal on our Bahamas trip. We did have to talk about this plan before our dive! I will say this: somehow she made us look more graceful than we felt trying to pull this off! What a blast we had! Because fun is the point!
Nobody wants to see evidence of a messy, disorganized trim profile; streamline your gear so that you have no dangling gauges! You want to look like a pro, so make sure your trim is spot on. Yes, now that's impressive!
Defogging your mask is going to be imperative for getting a nice clean shot of your eyes—arguably the most important aspect of any beautiful portrait! Gently pre-cleaning the interior of your mask with toothpaste before your photo session followed by a defogging agent like sea drops before your dive should help you with this!
Smile! It may be hard to do with a regulator in your mouth, but any attempt to smile that reaches your eyes will make you look fantastic! If you feel comfortable taking the reg out of your mouth for a smile, go ahead, but hold your exhale, not your breath!
Sometimes your photographer will place you next to an underwater feature such as coral, a wreck, or maybe a sea turtle and snap a pic of you appreciating the view! Below, I have a picture of the back of Michael's head as he takes a picture of an oceanic whitetip shark, and it works for him as it tells a story. The possibilities are endless!
Ok, now go out there and strike a pose! Have fun, and happy diving everyone!